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Use your voice to make


to New York State's

foster care system


The NYTD Project, which stands for the National Youth in Transition Database Project, is a federal initiative running in all 50 states that aims to determine if independent living services are adequately preparing and supporting youth during the transition from foster care to independent adulthood. 


To do this, we follow groups

of foster youth from the time

they turn 17, until they are 21,

to see what services they use

or need, and how we can

make the transition to

independence easier. This

year, 21-year-olds will

receive a $75 gift card to

show our thanks. For more information

on eligibility, see the "Take the Survey" page.


Youth participants are standing up for change when they decide to use their voice and experiences to make the foster care system better and more supportive of future youth.

Group Bonding

The survey includes questions about your life and experiences such as your education, employment status, support network, and plans for the future. It also includes questions regarding any aid you might receive, including such things as education vouchers or health insurance.


These questions are designed to assess 11 independent living services categories:


1. Academic support

2. Budget & financial management

3. Career preparation

4. Employment programs/ vocational training

5. Family support & healthy marriage education

6. Health education & risk prevention

7. Housing education & home management training

8. Independent living needs assessment

9. Mentoring

10. Post-secondary educational support

11. Supervised independent living

The NYTD Project has been running since October 2010, and does not have a scheduled end date. In New York State, the project is run as a collaboration between the New York State Office of Children and Family Services and the Center for Human Services Research at the University at Albany. 

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